Tour Locations
All Tours must be booked ahead of time. If you haven't booked your spot, please contact staff, but please don't show up to the tour unannounced asking for us.
Please respect the policies of any businesses at which we begin. Additionally, please support these local businesses, as they are the heart and soul of our communities.

Durham History +True Crime
American Tobacco Water Tower
We meet under the water tower - 330 Blackwell St.

Raleigh True Crime
Moore Square Visitors Center
We meet in front of the Moore Square Visitor's Center - 226 E Martin St.

Greensboro - All Tours
The Bodega
We meet outside The Bodega, Greensboro's favorite corner store - at 313 S Greene Street

Chapel Hill - All Tours
All of our Chapel Hill Tours meet at Rougarou, Chapel Hill's best cajun restaurant and most enchanting bar - 108 Henderson St.

Durham African American History
Bull Statue at CCB Plaza
We meet in front of the bull statue at CCB Plaza - 201 Corcoran St.

Raleigh Ghosts & Urban Legends
State Capitol
We meet at the NC state capitol - in front of the world war memorials

Winston-Salem - All Tours
Fair Witness Fancy Drinks
All Winston-Salem Tours meet here (P.S. try some of their drinks. They're really freaking good!) - 290 4th Street East

Chapel Hill - All Tours
Wilmington Riverwalk
Each of our Wilmington Tours meet atat the riverfront, next to the venus flytrap statues
- 1 Market St.

Raleigh History Tours
Raleigh Sheraton
We meet in front of the Sheraton Hotel at the Fayetteville Street Entrance - 420 Fayetteville Street

Dorothy Dix Asylum Tour
Greg Poole All-Faith Chapel
We meet at the Greg Poole All-Faith Chapel - 1030 Richardson Dr.

Cary History Tour
Esteamed Coffee
Our Cary History Tour meets at Esteamed Coffee, the best place for delicious coffee in Cary - 114 S Academy St.